Do You Have to Show up at Your Family Law Court Matter?

There are many aspects that play a huge role in family law cases. For instance, your divorce may include a child support hearing, spousal support hearing, and your final divorce hearing. You or your spouse may have limitations that could make it difficult for either of you to attend these hearings, so we will explain…

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Do Stepparents and Legal Parents Have the Same Amount of Rights?

In the past, two parents, both biological, would have rights over a child. Nobody else would be able to interfere with this. However, over the years many things have changed, and now you see a variety of cases where other parties are gaining rights over a child. One of these parties is stepparents, who play…

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When You Have to Choose a Guardian For Your Child: An FAQ

When a child’s parents are dead or incapacitated, it can sometimes turn into an emergency situation. The court wants somebody to be there for the children under the circumstances, and if a parent did not choose a guardian already, this can become a complicated matter. Today we will go over some of the aspects that…

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The Pros and Cons Involved in Your Sole Custody Situation

To understand what is good and bad about a sole custody situation, you first need to understand what sole custody actually is. When a parent has “sole custody” of a child, they receive exclusive physical and legal custody rights in concerns to the child. These are very rare situations and only arise when one parent…

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What Special Rights do I Have with Sole Child Custody?

In many situations where the term “sole custody” comes to light, this means that you have complete legal and physical child custody. Many parents have what you would call a “joint custody” situation, where the parents share major decisions about the child’s education, medical care, religious upbringing, and more – as well as sharing time…

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Custody and Holidays – Handling Your New Custody Schedule

  When you are a parent who has just gone through divorce, you may wonder what will happen to some of the most important times of the year: the holidays. The holiday season is already stressful, made more stressful by the fact that your custody schedule is changing. We are here to help you make…

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When You Are Facing Contempt in a Custody Matter

When you hear contempt, or your ex is threatening on taking you to court on this basis, you may feel confused or even scared. Perhaps you and your ex have joint custody and you forgot to tell your ex about a few doctors appointments, and now they are threatening you with returning to court on…

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When 50/50 Custody in Divorce is Right or Not Right for You

50/50 custody schedules are some of the most complicated schedules to form, because being there for a child 100% of the time when you share perfectly even custody can be difficult. Some parents are dedicated to a variety of things already, from caring for multiple children from a new marriage, to work schedules. Because of…

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When There is a Risk of Parental Kidnapping by the Other Parent

You may have a complicated custody matter that brings everyday worry to your life. For instance, you may be dealing with a spouse that refuses to obey the order at all costs. Perhaps they keep you from time with your child, alienate the child against you, and more. Of course, when a parent is disobeying…

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All the Basic Rules of Establishing Paternity in California

California is a state where families of all types are accepted and encouraged. Because of this, they want to conform to the needs of many different types of families, including those that are nontraditional. Because of this, it is important for fathers to understand what rights they have when it comes to paternity. Today, we…

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Is Virtual Visitation the Newest Way for Parents to Retain Contact?

Virtual visitation is one of the best ways for some families to stay in contact with one another, such as contact through email, video conferencing, instant messaging, and more. Often times, this becomes available through a parental agreement or custody order. A lot of times, you hear about these situations when one parent wants to…

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What Are Some Causes for Sole Custody to Become Necessary?

When you are in the middle of a custody case due to divorce, your lawyer has probably thrown around and explained terms like “joint custody” and “sole custody.” Anywhere in the United States, you could see a custody situation that is either joint or sole based on the best interests of the child, on either…

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