Birth Injury FAQ: Everything You’ve Always Wondered

Your birth experience is supposed to be an especially exciting time that you’ll never forget. Because of this, you want everything to go exactly as it’s supposed to. But what happens when your child is injured as the result of a birth injury? Do you automatically have a medical malpractice claim? Sometimes, these cases happen…

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Who Are the Responsible Parties in a Birth Injury Lawsuit?

Medical malpractice claims are extremely serious, especially when your child’s life is at-risk from the injuries. No parent expects to have to file a lawsuit after the birth of their child but, unfortunately, this is sometimes what happens if negligence was involved. Now we will help you identify the parties that may be responsible for…

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When Your Child Has Suffered a Cerebral Palsy Birth Injury

Cerebral palsy is either caused by a brain injury or brain malformation that occurs sometime before, during, or after a child’s birth. It has a direct effect on many important aspects of a child’s life, such as muscle control, muscle coordination, muscle tone, reflex, posture, and so much more. Every case of cerebral palsy is…

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