We Want to Split Child Custody Evenly With One Another
Most custody battles are called battles because you’re fighting for time with your child. Some parents don’t agree to a schedule with one another and have animosity toward the situation, which is where the court interferes. If you and your ex-spouse agreed that you want to split the time evenly with your child, you may wonder how you can make a schedule work for both of you. We can help you understand some of the ways to make it work for all of you.
Various Ways to Split Custody
Are you looking for an even schedule? Here are some ideas that might work for you:
Every Other Week: You would get your child one full week from Sunday to Saturday, and then the parent would get custody from Sunday to Saturday the next week.
Every Other Week and One Overnight: This works the same as the first, except with the addition to one overnight on a Wednesday or Tuesday night with the other parent. This is ideal for parents who do not want to be away from their children for a whole week.
3-3-4-4 Schedule: You would get the child for three days from Sunday to Tuesday, and the other parent would see them from Wednesday to Friday. Then, you would get four days from Saturday to Tuesday, and the other parent would have Wednesday to Saturday.
2-2-5-5 Schedule: You get custody of your child for two days and then the other parent gets the next two days. Then you switch to five days apiece.
2-2-3 Schedule: This one is similar, where you get the child two days and the other parent gets the child for two days. Then, you would get custody for three days to end the week and alternate it so that the other parent ends up getting three days the next time.
Every Other Day: In this schedule, you would get the child for one full day and then the other parent gets the child the next full day. If you live a short distance between one another, this could work for you.
If you want any of these schedules to work, communication and working together is key. You should always be realistic about your own schedule and commitments and look at the facts of your case. Consider your child in every decision you make, and accommodate their activities and needs as much as you can, because it will keep you both active in every aspect of their lives. Finding the best way to communicate works for both of you. If you need help with your divorce or custody case, call us today. We can offer you help in your time of need.